Take Five: EP 33 Is Griffin Colapinto California’s legit world champ hopeful?
Yes, Hawaii has long been part of the good ‘ol U S of A, but for some reason professional surfers...

Take Five: EP 32 Is Jack Robbo Australian surfing’s return to greatness?
Can Jack Robinson lead Australia back to surfing greatness? There has been much hand-wringing as to the recent, seemingly impotent...

Take Five EP: 31 Does longboarding need the WSL?
You know it’s been a slow couple weeks when the only thing to talk about is competitive longboard surfing. But...

Watch: “Road to Victory” The trials and tribulations of Adin Masencamp
South African upstart, Adin Masencamp, dropped a little doco-type clip last week (Sorry for the lag Adin) that featured his...

Take Five: EP 30 Kanoa Igarashi just destroyed all preconceived notions
Quite a few people didn’t like a young, brash boxer by the name of Cassius Clay. Continuing along a pugilistic...

Take Five: EP 27 John Florence is back, and then some
Did you feel it? Because today at around 11:30 Hawaiian Time, John Florence initiated a sonic reverberation of which reset...

Congratulations Gabriel Medina Was it ever in doubt?
Number three really came as no surprise, to us anyway. Yes, Gabriel Medina is the best competitive surfer alive today...

Take Five: EP 23 Who is deciding what is good surfing?
The topic has been tossed around for years, more like decades actually. What is good surfing? So when Kelly ripped...

Watch: “Back to OZ” Featuring John Florence
Of course, we know that John Florence just finished up his participation in the landmark Olympic surfing event, held in...

Take Five: EP 22 Gabriel Medina is the best competitive surfer in the world.
One of surfing’s popular media outlets dropped a bit of a stinker recently. Something about how the current Brazilian domination...

TAKE FIVE EP: 20 Buy Now or build a brand
In case you missed it, French-born woman surfer, Johanne Defay, won the ladies‘ side of things at the WSL event...

Take Five: EP 19 Observations from the pool
It seems like a long time ago but it’s only been six short years since Kelly rained on Adriano’s WSL...

TAKE FIVE: EP 16 ‘Rona be damned, the WSL is going to Rio
While the WSL had our attention watching the comp in Newcastle last week (Congrats to Italo and Carissa by the...

Take Five: EP 15 Noa Deane’s transcendent moment
Hard to believe it’s been seven-plus years already since Noa Deane’s uncomfortable to some moment at the Surfer Poll Awards....

Opinion: Can surfing have true equality?
A few days ago Caroline Marks dropped a cool vid on her IG threading a nice drainer at Teahupoʻo. Thus,...

Read: An open letter to Erik Logan We aren’t asking much
As was reported a few days ago, Sophie Goldschmidt, the current CEO of the World Surfing League, will be stepping...

Opinion Peter Devries just got clipped
A few days ago, Canadian Peter Devries eloquently informed the surfing world through his Instagram account of the culmination of...

Watch: O’Neill’s “Hawaii Live”- Episode #2 Russell, Torrey, and Eli charge huge Jaws
We don’t really cover too much of the big wave scene, nor the comp thing for that matter. However, when...

Congratulations Jack Robinson has qualified for the WSL CT
In stunning fashion, Jack Robinson demolished the field at Sunset Beach to win the Vans World Cup of Surfing. Jack...

Freshwater Pro Did you watch?
We don’t usually get too riled up over comp surfing around here but we would be remiss to not congratulate...

Did equality kill the Mavs event? From the careful what you wish for file
Did the quest for gender equality in surfing inadvertently kill Mavs in the process. From the careful what you wish...

Has surfing been stolen, again?
Cultural appropriation has become a bit of a buzz phrase lately as it relates to what is seen as the...

Right, so the WSL starts again next week And hello, yes, we have some questions and concerns. Five exactly.
It is 6:30 am, picture the scene. It is 6:30 am and the crack of dawn in San Diego and...

Would you rather: Lowers or a Pool? The WSL released its 2018 schedule of events and it’s missing Fiji and Lowers but has a pool
There are 840 miles of coastline in California. And while there will be one stop on the 2018 WSL World Tour...

I have no idea what’s happening on tour But this was pretty fun to watch
I was feeling a little guilty. I haven’t been watching the tour, like, at all — and I know that’s...

I’ll never surf the wave pool Even if Kelly Slater invites me, no strings attached, I will very politely decline. Here’s why:
I have the worst taste in music because of surfing. And yeah, I suppose music is entirely subjective, but I...

Country Club Surf Culture Why I want nothing to do with the WSL and Kelly Slater Wave Co.
All day today there’s been a lot of hype, speculation and excitement around the WSL’s specialty event at Kelly Slater’s wave pool....

Fan the flames of Discontent The Dream Tour is changing and it’s starting at a wave pool
I’ve made it more than apparent that I hate the word content. I hate all of it’s definitions. Content. Content....

How we met Yago Dora Yago’s success at the Rio Pro is validating something we’ve known for a long time. Let’s recall.
Long before the WSL started with the weird warrior techno hype video things, we were watching Yago Dora. His surfing caught...

did you see that new WSL commercial? Is Dion right? Is it time we say no to the WSL?
I’m quite depressed right now. There are the sharks. Crowds. Hospitals. Stress. Bills. Work. Marketing. Branded Content. And WSL. And...

Does WSL = Christian Youth Group? Conservative and “cool” with really bad music
When I was in high school there were always people trying to get us to join them at their church...

John John Florence is the World Champ And we’re backing that big time
While we were sleeping, John John Florence became the World Champ. He sliced and diced his way through Portugal, and...